Pueblo General Fund and Bureau of Indian Education Fund scholarships provide financial support to inspire educational growth. Education for the people will promote economic self-determination and provide leaders for the Pueblo that will lead the next generation into the future.

After School Program
The San Ildefonso After school Program runs from September through May at the San Ildefonso Pueblo Library after school daily Monday to Thursday. The After school Program offers a variety of educational and enrichment activities, homework help/tutoring, reading challenges, agriculture, and physical activity. The After school Program is designed for students in grades Kindergarten through High School. A light snack is provided to After school Program participants. There is no deadline for registration however a completed registration packet is required prior to participating. A calendar of events is provided to each participant at the beginning of each month.
Summer Education Enhancement Program
The San Ildefonso Summer Education Enhancement Program is 7 weeks during the school summer break. The program is held at the San Ildefonso Library daily Monday to Thursday from 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM offering a variety of educational and enrichment activities, mathematics, reading, science, and physical activities. The SEEP is designed for ages 5–14 years old. Breakfast and lunch is provided to participants. SEEP provides community children opportunities to experience traditional and cultural activities through class room settings and field trips. We also aim to fill the gap in learning and education retention during summer vacation by keeping community children engaged in their education so that they may be better prepared for the upcoming school year. Completed registration packet required.
Youth Council
Our mission is to provide Pueblo de San Ildefonso Youth a voice while becoming innovative leaders to create positive change to better the well being of our Pueblo community. We will strive to succeed traditionally and academically to ensure the future of our Pueblo and her interests.
We are also always accepting new members ages 13-24 years old. Please contact Aaliyah for more information.

Student Achievement
The Education Department provide educational support and opportunities to inspire personal growth and maximize the individual potential for the enrichment of San Ildefonso Pueblo. Department staff:
Ensure Pueblo students receive a culturally and linguistically relevant education pursuant to the New Mexico Indian Education Act
Administer Early Childhoold services for community children ages 0 to 5 years
Establish and maintain formal agreements with various schools to facilitate communication and exchange information to maximize student support and resources
Establish student tracking records including progress reports, performance measures, attendance, and truancy to improve student achievement
Work toward alignment of Public and BIE School systems to ensure successful student transition across school systems
Provide GED/HSE Information upon request